September 2020 Playlist
This month's theme is 'For the Garden'. It is a collection of stunningly beautiful pieces that are inspired by nature and are just perfect for enjoying outside.
There are pieces inspired by light, by fantasy environments and that lovely dreamy state you can achieve relaxing in your favourite chair or hammock outside.
If the weather allows and you know of somewhere comfortable and lovely to sit outside, I highly recommend listening to this one with your eyes closed. Like food, I find that music touches different parts of the senses when enjoyed outside.
One late summer’s evening about five years ago I was sitting outside in my garden listening to ‘The Lark Ascending’ on a little bluetooth portable speaker, it was late enough that it was very quiet all around me and it was magical to listen to sit there peacefully enjoying one of my favourite pieces surrounded by cool evening air heavy with the scent of flowers. All of a sudden a bird started echoing the violin solo with its own song. At first I thought I was imagining it - surely not, so to test the idea I turned the speaker off and to my surprise the bird went silent. I turned the music back on and the bird started singing again. It was a very surreal, I’m no ornithologist so I have no clue what bird it was but it was a very special moment.
Let me know in the comments below if you’ve have any similar experiences. I’m really curious to know if anyone else has had any wild animals or birds joining in with the music they are listening to or playing.
As always, if you would prefer to listen to this playlist in the Spotify app, please click the button below.